The largest relative growth of our Church happened in the first three centuries. Charles Spurgeon, the famous 19th Century Baptist preacher, noted the radicality of the early Christians and wrote this antidote against cultural relativism today:
“The fact is, the most of us are vastly inferior to the early Christians, who, as I take it, were persecuted because they were thoroughly Christians, and we are not persecuted because we hardly are Christians at all. They were so earnest in the propagation of the Redeemer’s kingdom, that they became the nuisance of the age in which they lived. They would not let errors alone. They had not conceived the opinion that they were to hold the truth, and leave other people to hold error without trying to intrude their opinions upon them, but they preached Christ Jesus right and left, and delivered their testimony against every sin.”
(from Giants and Dwarfs)
Cultural relativism teaches that we should not judge based on our standards and beliefs. But applied to morals that is rather bizarre. “I have my truth and my understanding of what sin is, you have yours.” Thus ignoring the God of the universe and the abundant life He wants give us!
St. Timothy wrote: “proclaim the word; be persistent whether it is convenient or inconvenient; convince, reprimand, encourage through all patience and teaching.” (2 Tim 4:2)
A future article will advise against arguing when evangelizing, but that is for another time. Today convince, reprimand, and encourage. Today become a holy nuisance.
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