Personal Testimony

People will ask you for your faith story. It is helpful to take some time now and write down your personal testimony.

Everyone has a story. How did you come to the Faith? Why are you Catholic? What is God currently doing in your life? What were some of your concerns when you came into the Church? Questions you had and how they were answered? Include what your life was before Christ if you converted in life later.

Try to put a lot of detail in what you write down. Write at least a page.

When sharing the gospel it will help you recall certain details.

St. Peter wrote in 1 Peter 3:15: …Always be ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hope,

Writing down your testimony will help you prepare to be ready!

Make a commitment to document down your personal testimony. Soon you will have a chance to share it!

Share the Gospel with someone today!

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